Teenage Home Schooling

If you’ve ever thought that your child’s education needs to be rescued and you should take control of your teenager’s education then take a few minutes to indulge in a creative fantasy ...

You’ve been at home with your teenager/teenagers homeschooling for six months now and you’ve never felt closer or more confident about their education! They love learning and are enthusiastic about their future. And this year, for the first time in a long time, you’ve been able to go on educational excursions with your children. Then there’s the pleasure of seeing the respect that they have for you…so, yes, close your eyes and dream for a moment how enthusiastic and confident you and your teenagers could be …

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The Delta Course – Online GMAT Preparation

"The material is terrific! It's material that [other test prep companies] have failed to deliver -- more emphasis on probability, statistics, permutations, and combinations." David P.

Bonus #1: Advanced Algebra Study Guide Why do you need this study guide? One of our students recently informed us that he encountered an advanced algebra question on the GMAT. This study guide will help you master this topic so that you are prepared for these questions on test day. Bonus #2: GMAT Mental Strategies Are you paralyzed by test anxiety? This guide contains strategies you can use to conquer your GMAT anxiety. Find out about 3 simple exercises you can perform on test day to reduce stress and improve focus. Bonus #3: 179 extra practice questions We'll also include this extra set of challenging GMAT practice questions, including: motion problems, work problems, interest problems, mixture problems, geometry problems, inequality problems, data sufficiency problems, and much more.

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The SAD TRUTH About ACT Test Prep

Yes, the truth is that regardless if they cost $1500 or $60, they are all very similar. They teach some basic strategy, they reinforce some skills, and they provide some basic education... Sure, some may have you working with a tutor, some may have you simply reading a book, and others may have you taking practice test after practice test. But, in the end, I have found they all produce a very similar result.

As a teacher and a mother, this was just unacceptable to me. To see all these students investing their time (and their parents investing their money) into something that had almost NO BENEFIT really made me angry! Especially when I saw the outrageous claims being made by many of the ACT prep peddlers.

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Ultimate ASVAB Practice Center

The ASVAB is a 3 hour timed test that covers 9 subjects. Your score on the first 4 subjects below make up your AFQT score which determines your acceptance to the military. Your score on the next 5 subjects determines which job assignment you qualify for after enlistment.

It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to focus on the 4 AFQT subjects because that is what determines your score and whether or not you get accepted into the military.

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Worksheets for Preschool – Preschool Worksheets

Between the ages of 3 and 6 years, your child is capable of learning and absorbing more information than you can imagine!

If you answered YES to the first two questions and NO to the third, then read on to learn how the David Dolphin Workbook Series will help your child.

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