31 Days to Faster Times Tables – Faster Times Tables

Forgive my bluntness, but the fact that you’re on this page now tells me that your child has a problem with their times tables and you want to solve this problem FAST.

I don’t want to waste your time and bore you with a long sales letter. Let’s get to the point shall we?

I KNOW how to solve your child’s slow times tables problem. I’ve seen this problem many times before.

I’ve been a High School math teacher, run an after school tuition center and have 4 children of my own, so I know how anxious you must be. I’ve seen hundreds of parents who were frustrated as they could not find a PRACTICAL and FEASIBLE solution to help their child get faster at times tables.

They searched everywhere and were even willing to pay high monthly fees to a tuition center in order to fix the problem.

Why? Because information on how to help their children get faster at times tables was scattered here and there. How does digging through dozens of books, thousands of blogs and hundreds of forums sound?

After countless hours and efforts spent helping children improve their times tables, I know which methods WORK and which ones don’t work.

So I’ve  pieced together the methods that WORK into ONE single location so that parents such as yourself, who have children whose times tables skills need improving, can really solve it once and for all.

Whether your child is new to Times Tables or has struggled with them for some time. This feature packed 31 day program will guide your child to faster and more confident Times Tables.

Tell you what. If you purchase 31 Days to Faster Times Tables now, I’ll throw in an extra bonus that compliments the 31 Days to Faster Times Tables program to ensure your child enjoys practising their times tables.

A full-colour PDF booklet and accompanying video packed with fun resources to help fix those tables in your child’s head, helping your child to:

The 31 Days to Faster Times Tables program is an online membership site, a website where you can go to download the worksheets, audio and PDFs, meaning you can access the materials any time you need to by just visiting the site. Once you’ve completed your purchase, you’ll get your username, password and access link, sent direct to your inbox instantly, so you can;

The value I’m offering you today for my 31 Days to Faster Times Tables package along with all the bonuses is really a no-brainer. You could easily pay over $100 for a few hours with a maths tutor or a few sessions at a tuition centre But if you purchase today, you only need to come up with less than one-fifth of that price – which I’m sure you’d agree is a steal.

So go ahead and click the Add To Cart button...